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Blog Review

I feel like I'm doing well in my blog writing, it's something new that I haven't done before. It's been a learning experience so far, but an exciting one. I like the idea of my writing being in the public eye because it's much like the career path I've chosen. I'm studying to be a successful photographer and in that career my work will be criticized and viewed by many. I feel my blog is very similar regarding my peers reviewing it and providing feedback. In all of my blogposts I've put my best foot forward and gave all my effort to provide a good read. Writing a blog is a little out of my comfort zone as far as my school work is now in the public eye. However, I feel as though I've adjusted to that instance fairly well. I always review my final post before I publish it because a simple grammatical error could cost me many points in the grading. I'd like to have a little bit better of an idea as to what exactly we're supposed to write. Other t...

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